Accessing Hebrew Docs
Some of the files I have been posting are currently in PDF format.  To view these you need to go to the Adobe website and download the free Adobe Reader program. 

Sound files are in MP3 or WAV formats.  If you cannot hear them (if your computer can't find a program to use for listening), you can download the Microsoft MediaPlayer.  If you are having problems hearing the sound files, you may want to go to the Microsoft site, to be sure you have the most up-to-date version of the program installed.

Flashcards with Hebrew and English on separate pages should be printed on two sides of the same paper or card stock.  You can also print them out on individual sets of paper, and glue them onto index cards.  Some flashcards only have Hebrew sides.  It will aid in your learning the material for you to handwrite the correct answers on the reverse side.  Some flashcards are written in Hebrew with Outline characters.  Some students find it beneficial to create a color coded process for learning words.   The outline characters let you determine the best colors for you to learn the material.

If you are having trouble with any of these files, please email me.